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Looking after finished demonstration cakes
Hi everyone, this may sound like a stupid question but is there an easy way to keep your demonstration cakes clean and keep dust at a minimum whilst on display? I have heard some people use a glaze or spray varnish and some have even used hairspray to try to make it easier for them to be cleaned but I haven’t been brave enough to try anything for fear of damaging the finish on the cake. I have several dummy cakes that I put on display either in glass cabinets or in the window of our shop and keeping them dust free (or icing sugar free lol) can be difficult and cleaning them can be very time consuming. Any help or advice would be great? Thanks, Debbie
Hi everyone, this may sound like a stupid question but is there an easy way to keep your demonstration cakes clean and keep dust at a minimum whilst on display? I have heard some people use a glaze or spray varnish and some have even used hairspray to try to make it easier for them to be cleaned but I haven’t been brave enough to try anything for fear of damaging the finish on the cake. I have several dummy cakes that I put on display either in glass cabinets or in the window of our shop and keeping them dust free (or icing sugar free lol) can be difficult and cleaning them can be very time consuming. Any help or advice would be great? Thanks, Debbie
Hi Debbie
Some people do use hairspray to seal the icing and then occasionally dust them. PME clear glaze or similar products would work too. Varnish would certainly seal the icing but it will still attract dust and need cleaning. Before you commit yourself to any of the suggestions, how about experimenting on a trial cake?
I remember Paul talking about it and his advice was to keep them away from direct sunlight to prevent them fading, especially in shop windows. He also said to keep best dispalys towards the shaded part of the shop. I think thats about all that can be done really. There are threads on the site which have discussed this topic. If you type in the search box ‘display cake’ some will come up, just click on what’s most relevant.
Hopefully other members will share what they do. 🙂