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Love in a mist (Nigella) flowers
Has anyone made these in sugarpaste or found a tutorial online, please.
Has anyone made these in sugarpaste or found a tutorial online, please.
I haven’t seen an online tutorial for nigella flowers.. I have a idea in the back of my mind that chef Nicholas Lodge had an attended tutorial and might have a class on summer flowers on Craftsy.. It can be done, its a labour of love because it will be so fiddly. I would probably use the smallest rose leaf cutter or plunger cutter to make the petals and fine gauge wire to mount them on. For the rest, use nature or close up photographs to reproduce the pod and tendrills with icing. I can’t find a tutorial at all. Please also see my answer to another member here: https://www.cakeflix.com/questions/summer-garden-flowers
Nigella is a culinary herb. I use it in my fish and aubergine curries. If grown in an organic garden, the fresh flowers can be used as arrangements on wedding cakes. I did in my own wedding cake and hand held bouquet.
Hope some of this information helps.
Thanks for the inf. The only link I saw was in connection with Nicholas Lodge but I didn’t get anywhere following this up. Will try again.
Did you see this by any chance? http://www.nicholaslodge.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=850_863&products_id=10024
I can’t locate it on Amazon, perhaps only available from that site. I sometimes discover his books in my local library, might be worth a try? I’ll have a look in my many sugarflower books and keep searching, although I can’t remember ever seeing a tutorial for this flower in any of them. Hope other members can shed a light!