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asked April 27th 2014

making a technic turntable music cake

hi member, just wanted a few tips on how to make a music turntable cake. what cake sizes to use, tools, cutters and any other ideas you can recommend. thank you!


hi member, just wanted a few tips on how to make a music turntable cake. what cake sizes to use, tools, cutters and any other ideas you can recommend. thank you!


Hi [email protected]

I’ve had a quick search in google and found several pictures and a couple of talk through methods. Looks and sounds quite straight forwards to achieve with no particular tools required. I don’t know how many people the cake will feed, but I would suggest making a square cake as the base and covering two cake drum in grey for the turntable. The double depth of the drums will enable you to put some silver balls on the edge to make it look like studs. Make the record with a thinner cake card covered in black gumpaste or sugarpaste. When I made a turntable cake topper I marked the record grooves off with a geometry compass to achieve even spacing. Take a look at this http://craftsmumship.com/2010/08/turntable-cake/
There are several others to look at by google searching ‘how to make a turntable cake. Hope it helps.

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