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asked July 7th 2014

Measurements for fishing basket cake

How did the instructor calculate how many inches on top, 1.8 inches , and bottom, 2 inches, to use to mark the basketweabpve palcement?These are the measurements she said to use to mark around the cake before making the basket weave, if the cake I make is a different size, I would know how to calculate this.Thanks!


How did the instructor calculate how many inches on top, 1.8 inches , and bottom, 2 inches, to use to mark the basketweabpve palcement?These are the measurements she said to use to mark around the cake before making the basket weave, if the cake I make is a different size, I would know how to calculate this.Thanks!


Hi Lissy

Firstly, you need to work out how many upright struts you need to go round the cake and work out the distance between each strut along the base. To get the distance between each strut at the top, divide the distance between the struts at the base by the circumference of the base and multiply this figure by the circumference around the top of the cake.
As a simple example, say the circumference at the bottom is 40 cm and the circumference at the top is 30cm. and the distance apart at the base 4cm. Divide 4 by 40 (= 0.10) and multiply this by 30 = 3cm. So the distance between each strut in this case would be 4cm at the base and 3cm at the top.

Hope this helps!


Hi Lissy

This blog http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-measure-vertical-lines-on-irregular-cakes
is in response to your question. I hope it helps you and other members too.

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