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asked May 2nd 2012

How do i make modelling chocolate?

How do i make modelling chocolate ?


How do i make modelling chocolate ?


hey, follow bellow a recipe



  • *10 ounces semisweet chocolate (coarsely chopped chunks or chips)
    1/3 cup light corn syrup

Melt the chocolate carefully, add the glucose syrup and let rest for 2 hours before playing with it.


I’ve made modelling chocolate by following a similar recipe and found dark chocolate works better than white which produces masses of fat, and also becomes grainy and difficult to work. Modelling chocolate is pretty expensive to buy, but in my opinion professionally manufactured cocoform is far superior to what can be achieved domestically. Cost for a kilo from Squires kitchen is approx’ £28.00 (I think) but it does save a lot of hassle.


I have attempted to make modelling chocolate a few times and haven’t been happy with the results, both too grainy or oily. Both unattractive and difficult to use. I have never heard of cocoform. Does it come in colours or can it be coloured and is it available in Australia?


Hi ozcake

Try here http://www.bakeanddeco.com.au/rainbow-mix-modelling-chocolate-210g/

I make my own and use regular eating chocolate. Try the recipes here:

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