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asked January 15th 2013

modelling paste

Hello ,i was wondering if i could get help with chocolate modelling paste .I realise that you buy in your cocoform from squires kitchen ,but i have attempted to make my own home made paste.My problem is ,even though its in a hard block texture after i need it and try to roll it out,it sticks quite badly to the board,ive tried icing sugar but still have the same problem .I used 150g dark chocolate and 140 g liquid glucose .Have i used to much glucose ,and is there anyway of fixing it or should i throw it out and start again.I only made a little to begin with ,baby steps untill i get it right .Any help would be greatly appreciated ,dying to make the chocolate wrap cake

Tracy [Ireland]


Hello ,i was wondering if i could get help with chocolate modelling paste .I realise that you buy in your cocoform from squires kitchen ,but i have attempted to make my own home made paste.My problem is ,even though its in a hard block texture after i need it and try to roll it out,it sticks quite badly to the board,ive tried icing sugar but still have the same problem .I used 150g dark chocolate and 140 g liquid glucose .Have i used to much glucose ,and is there anyway of fixing it or should i throw it out and start again.I only made a little to begin with ,baby steps untill i get it right .Any help would be greatly appreciated ,dying to make the chocolate wrap cake

Tracy [Ireland]


Hi Tracy

If you type in the search box just above your question ‘white modeling chocolate’ there’s recipes there which may help. Spell ‘modeling’ like this otherwise it won’t search. I tried the white recipe but it wasn’t great. The dark turned out good so I was pleased to save a few bob. Let us know how you get on if you try it. I think you did use too much glucose, as for fixing how about kneading in more chocolate and icing sugar? I just hate wasting ingredients! Google in Hungry Happenings as well, just scroll down until you get to the modelling bit, I’d send you the link but I’ve tried twice and it fails. Cheers!


Thanks so much ,i know its such a shame to waste it.Will give it a try and see how i get on .Its just so expensive to buy the ready made stuff especially if you want a lot of it.I really want to get this right,thanks again x

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