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asked June 29th 2016

Motorbike cake help


I have to make a motorbike cake and am looking at making it stand up as opposed to lying on its side. Has anyone got any tips to help me to get the bike to stand up. There are some really brilliant ones online but I cannot find any help with regards to how they were achieved. Any help would be greatly appreciated.





I have to make a motorbike cake and am looking at making it stand up as opposed to lying on its side. Has anyone got any tips to help me to get the bike to stand up. There are some really brilliant ones online but I cannot find any help with regards to how they were achieved. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Hi Ian

Just had a quick google for ‘ 3D standing motor bike tutorials’ and there are about three which may be useful guides for you. Yener’s way has a full tutorial but I think you’ll need to buy that. Have a look at it, they did have a free promotion on so you might get lucky!

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