Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked September 15th 2012

Mrs Jones Cupcakes

I’ve just watched the video for the cupcakes and have noted down the ingredients to follow along…..

The vanilla extract is not listed in the ingredients and I’m not sure from watching the video if she has added 2 full teaspoons or 2 half teaspoons……not sure what to do now???


I’ve just watched the video for the cupcakes and have noted down the ingredients to follow along…..

The vanilla extract is not listed in the ingredients and I’m not sure from watching the video if she has added 2 full teaspoons or 2 half teaspoons……not sure what to do now???


I think it would be 2 full teaspoons, for the 24 cupcakes, although it’s up to everyone’s own personal taste.


Thank you Sharon, I took a chance on 2 teaspoons and the cupcakes are in the oven now 🙂

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