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Mrs Jones deep vanilla spongecake
Hello Mrs Jones, I am baking for a diabetic customer and would like to know if I can substitute xylitol for the sugar and after researching this product I rad you need to crush it first and add more liquid in some form. I will be baking your cake in a 6″ round tin.
Thank you.
Hello Sandra
Baking for diabetics is not just about the sugar. There is so more to take into consideration so I’m linking you to my hubby’s blog on baking cakes for diabetics. My hubby was a chemist for a very long time and this was one of his specialist areas. Here is link: https://www.cakeflix.com/baking-cakes-for-diabetics
I’ve never baked with xylitol and personally would never use it. However, I did pick a pack of Tate and Lyle white sugar with stevia. This also is available with brown sugar. Here is the link for the product:
I haven’t got around to baking with it yet. On their site there are a few recipes which you could try. One recipe is a similar victoria cake to MrsJones’ vanilla cake. If you still want to use the xylitol specifically to bake Mrs Jones’ recipe, it may be best to ask her as I would not like to comment on how it might turn out . Contact Mrs Jones on her own web site here: https://mrsjonescakes.co.uk/
Hope this helps, but please do come back and post again if you need further information.