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asked April 5th 2013

New royal icing tutorial

Paul says 2 egg whites but Ingredients say 3 egg yolks!!! Is it 600g icing sugar as Paul gets a lot more, would assume he had measured out the recipe?


Paul says 2 egg whites but Ingredients say 3 egg yolks!!! Is it 600g icing sugar as Paul gets a lot more, would assume he had measured out the recipe?


Hello salro

It should say egg whites and not yolks you’re quite right so it’s just an error which the team will no doubt rectify.
Paul used 400 gms to begin with then went and got some more. I would imagine that he has measured it, however, royal icing sometimes takes more and sometimes less sugar, the amount measured doesn’t necessarily mean it will make the correct consistency. It’s important to eye the consistency, that is why Paul didn’t put all the sugar in at once, he brought more sugar because the icing hadn’t reached the stage he wanted it at. Hope this helps.

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