Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A
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Hi, My daughter is 11 and has the Premium membership. I would consider her a beginner. Where should a beginner start? Can you suggest and order of videos to watch? Thank you
Hi, My daughter is 11 and has the Premium membership. I would consider her a beginner. Where should a beginner start? Can you suggest and order of videos to watch? Thank you
HI Cilia
First of all can I just say how wonderful it is that your 11 year old daughter has a premium membership! She couldn’t be in a better place to get her cakey journey on the road. As you know the premium section is a mixed bag. Some of the tutorials can be challenging (to a degree) even for a person with some experience.
To give your daughter the best possible experience of the site for order of viewing, begin from the beginning here: https://www.cakeflix.com/free-online-cake-decorating-courses
This is where Paul goes through every step of cake decorating and the equipment required that a beginner should know about. Let her master the essentials of baking and decorating in this section.
If she is mature enough to be trusted with a sharp knife, perhaps supervise her to have a go at easy cake carving. Let her practice model and flower making. Paul has created tutorials for all age groups and she is at the right age of creativity to enjoy and see results at a quick pace. I’m sure she will be able to replicate tutorials or give them her own twist.
As well as this Q & A page, premium members can enjoy access to the PBSS facebook for premium members. It’s another platform where you or she, can put questions to other members, ask for help and share pictures of her work. To be added to premium member facebook, contact [email protected] or email [email protected] to make the request. Premium member benefits can be located in the ‘my account’ tab at the top right hand of this page. She will learn a great deal by exploring the whole site including the blog section. Blog section holds some extra tutorials by Paul, and contains several useful ‘how to’s’.
With your own help and guidance, plus Paul’s excellent mentorship, your daughter will gain the best possible skills. I hope your daughter gets on well and starts posting her work on the site’s social media.
Happy Christmas. 🙂
What a lucky girl she is 🙂
There are loads of basic technique videos, which are so important, such as stacking, filling and covering a cake beautifully, once these are mastered, she will be well on her way to completing lots of the tutorials, and she can also just simplify where needed, good luck to her x