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asked May 10th 2016

Oven temperatures?

Please can I ask what temperature everyone bakes theirs sponge cakes at? I’ve just got a new oven and am struggling to find the best temperature to bake at. It’s more an issue with bigger cakes. They’re turning out very dense, and taking forever to cook, so I wondered if I need to up the temp (currently baking at 135C)


Please can I ask what temperature everyone bakes theirs sponge cakes at? I’ve just got a new oven and am struggling to find the best temperature to bake at. It’s more an issue with bigger cakes. They’re turning out very dense, and taking forever to cook, so I wondered if I need to up the temp (currently baking at 135C)


Hi Wendy

All new ovens need time to ‘break in’ so it’s going to be a case of experimenting with the temperatures. I would normally bake bigger cakes at 130c fan 150c non fan and gas mark 2. It does also depend on the recipe mixing method. It’s possible you may have to increase your temperature in the new oven. It sounds very much like the batter is not heating up suffciently to create the correct conditons for the leavening to work. All you can do really is experiment until you find a happy medium. Not all ovens are the same, this one might be running cooler. Use an internal oven thermometer to gauge that it’s reading the same as what the external dial reads. It may be out of calibration as a result of being in transit and handling. Here’s how to calibrate your oven:

Hope this helps.

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