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asked April 12th 2017

Paint brush cake

Hi, hoping someone can help. I’ve been asked to make a 100th anniversary cake for a paint business and my friend would like 2 paint cans and an upright paint brush. The cans I can do but just wondering how I can make an upright paint brush. Any ideas.


Hi, hoping someone can help. I’ve been asked to make a 100th anniversary cake for a paint business and my friend would like 2 paint cans and an upright paint brush. The cans I can do but just wondering how I can make an upright paint brush. Any ideas.


Hi jeannie52

Use the following as a guide: http://craftsmumship.com/2011/12/paint-tin-birthday-cake/
Let the gumpaste ‘bristles’ dry a little then use a pointed tool to mark out the brush bristles. Make the handle with flowerpaste rather than gumpaste as it dries harder. Once all the elements are brought together and dried, the brush can be stood up. Let me know if this helps or if you’d like more information.


Hi, thank you for your response. I probably haven’t explained what I meant very well, the paint brush needs to be upright next to the tins.


Hi jeanie52

To stand the brush up independently you will need to thread a rod into the handle, drill a hole in the cake board and hot glue the end of the rod into the board to secure it. Take a look how Paul does it in the grim reaper tutorial here: https://www.cakeflix.com/online-cake-decorating-courses/teenage-grim-reaper#lesson-5-adding-the-scythe-and-hands
Other tutorials to use as guides are any with a standing structure like the Hot pink flamingo, pirate shark, wander lust suit case and jungle carousel cake. There are many others, just look through the tutorial library to see any cake which uses internal supports.


Thank you will have a look.

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