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asked December 11th 2012

Painting on fondant


I want to know what is the base used for painting on fondant . I have seen different sites and they suggested cocoa butter or alcohol to mix gel paste color or powder , though I will go for hit and trail method before doing it on cake , but if any one can suggest what is the best way to do it to get fine results. Any suggestion will be helpful





I want to know what is the base used for painting on fondant . I have seen different sites and they suggested cocoa butter or alcohol to mix gel paste color or powder , though I will go for hit and trail method before doing it on cake , but if any one can suggest what is the best way to do it to get fine results. Any suggestion will be helpful




I’ve done a couple of workshops with Natasha Collins, and they were great. We used gel paste colours, and boiled water, but Natasha says that if you tend to be a wet painter, then use alcohol . I would take a look at Nevie-pie cakes, which is Natasha’s own site, or Pretty witty cakes, where Natasha is a guest tutor..I was there last week, doing the dog roses, berries and daisy cake.


Hi Neha

If you google ‘how to paint on fondant’ it will take you to lots of tutorial sites which show how to do this technique. I’ve painted on fondant with powdered tints and rejuvenator spirit which is clear alcohol, vodka or lemon extract can be used as well. I originally tried with water but found it took longer to dry before I could put my next layer of colour on, also experienced colour bleed. Alcohol evaporates much more quickly. Haven’t tried the gel colours yet or cocoa butter. Apparently cocoa butter gives a more vibrant finish so would be worth a go. Best way is to experiment with the different mediums, I learned by just messing about on odd bits of fondant until I got my confidence with it. It pays to have really good brushes which don’t shed.

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