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peony tutorial
Is there any way of inserting the wires neatly when making the petals other than using the veiner board which makes the grooves? Sorry if this seems a daft question, I just haven’t got the special board yet.
Is there any way of inserting the wires neatly when making the petals other than using the veiner board which makes the grooves? Sorry if this seems a daft question, I just haven’t got the special board yet.
Hi Heather,
I made the Peony last year for a friends Birthday & didn’t use the veiner board i just fed the wires in carefully,
the other way is to roll the paste out then lay the wire on it & roll a little bit more.
btw i loved doing this tutorial.
Good Luck.
Hi Heather
When I make petals I roll out a small amount of paste with a cell stick, but I try to leave a thicker ridge in the middle by rolling from the middle outwards,(it’s very hard to explain).
There is a very good tuitorial on ‘Dustyroseveiners’ which shows you how to do it. I do it this way all the time with perfect results. I hope this helps.
Thanks for your suggestions. They both sound really helpful. Much appreciated, I’ll give it a go. thanks again.