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asked December 11th 2014

peppa pig trees

have never used modelling chocolate before, and am trying to make the peppa pig cake. How far in advance can you make the trees with the modelling chocolate. Can you do them a week in advance like with the fondant icing? Do I need to put the hardener through it too?Thanks


have never used modelling chocolate before, and am trying to make the peppa pig cake. How far in advance can you make the trees with the modelling chocolate. Can you do them a week in advance like with the fondant icing? Do I need to put the hardener through it too?Thanks


Hi Melanie

Take a peek here for an answer:

Storing modelling chocolate figures

Modelling chocolate doesn’t need a hardener through it, just keep your hands cool and work quickly to prevent the paste melting. A cool work top helps and so does dunking your hands in cold water or ice.
Dry hands properly before handling the paste.
Hope this helps.

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