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Piping gel question
Hi how long can piping gel sit on a cake for i should finish my swimming pool cake tomorrow the delivery isn’t till Sunday should I wait till Sunday to put the gel in the pool? Or it will be ok to put in on Saturday so I can see the finished result? Just looking forward to seeing the end but never used piping gel before. Thanks
Hi how long can piping gel sit on a cake for i should finish my swimming pool cake tomorrow the delivery isn’t till Sunday should I wait till Sunday to put the gel in the pool? Or it will be ok to put in on Saturday so I can see the finished result? Just looking forward to seeing the end but never used piping gel before. Thanks
Hi woodycakes
I’ve used piping gel on a pond cake and seem to remember brushing it on the cake the night before it was due for delivery. The best thing to do is let the sugarpaste dry before pourng on the piping gel so it doesn’t soften the icing. Have a look at some of the comments in this thread :
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Good luck with your project, hope it all turns out well! 🙂