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asked December 7th 2016

Piping gel / water affect

Hi Paul and the amazing team and loyal members.

Please HELP, I am trying to copy a cake from a picture with no instructions and for a novice cake decorator that’s daunting enough.
However it has a fab looking waterfall coming down into a pond. I have searched internet and it would seem piping gel is the way to make water effects. Please HELP how do I use it or if not can any one advise how to make a waterfall that looks like water both in colour and effect. The water fall is fairly long and thin running down length of the cake into a large pond and in picture is a very bold blue.
I know you guys will help looking forward to hearing from you ? Thanks in advance.


Hi Paul and the amazing team and loyal members.

Please HELP, I am trying to copy a cake from a picture with no instructions and for a novice cake decorator that’s daunting enough.
However it has a fab looking waterfall coming down into a pond. I have searched internet and it would seem piping gel is the way to make water effects. Please HELP how do I use it or if not can any one advise how to make a waterfall that looks like water both in colour and effect. The water fall is fairly long and thin running down length of the cake into a large pond and in picture is a very bold blue.
I know you guys will help looking forward to hearing from you ? Thanks in advance.


Hi Lauren0512

Piping gel can be used for making water effect. However, it never dries completely and remains quite tacky. Paul has a mountain stream in his ‘Mountain scene cake’ where he blends and marbles blue and white fondant. I have used piping gel by combining it with white and blue gel colours. The colour is just swirled through rather than mixed. It can then be used to roughly coat a lighter blue fondant background.
There are many images and some tutorials in google to take guidance from: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=waterfall+cake&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b&gfe_rd=cr&ei=_utHWJPhMOzR8gf-iYH4CA
Search also in youtube for waterfall cake. Do you have a link to the cake which you are making?

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