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asked September 2nd 2016

pme and wilton tips

Hi I have some PME tips but a lot of Wilton tips. PME tips are used in most of my videos that I purchased. How do I know what Wilton tips to use instead of PME. Is there a table that I can compare. Thank you.


Hi I have some PME tips but a lot of Wilton tips. PME tips are used in most of my videos that I purchased. How do I know what Wilton tips to use instead of PME. Is there a table that I can compare. Thank you.


Hi dlamb

I have PME, Wilton and Ateco tips plus lots which have no branding. To compare their sizes, sit them side by side to see the difference. Piping samplers will also give you a better idea how fine the icing comes through them.
I asked this very question to the PME rep at cake international who gave me the above advice. Have a look at Ceri Griffiths’ royal icing tutorials where he does, from time to time, mention how these tips differ. Personally I find the sizes are very slightly different but the PME give a much finer delivery of icing.
The following blog may also be useful : http://www.sweetsugarbelle.com/2012/05/a-tip-about-tips/

Hope this helps.

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