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asked November 23rd 2016

PME Edible Glaze

When I use the edible glaze I’ve noticed it drys to leave an unsightly yellow stain on white items which obviously ruins the look completely. Where am I going wrong? Has anyone else experienced this? I would appreciate any advice.


When I use the edible glaze I’ve noticed it drys to leave an unsightly yellow stain on white items which obviously ruins the look completely. Where am I going wrong? Has anyone else experienced this? I would appreciate any advice.


Hello Ruthiebakes

Please take a peek at my answer in the following thread which explains how this product is made:

Confectionary glaze!

Scroll down that page to the answer which explains about resin. It is the process of extraction which leaves the slight yellow tinge on anything white. If you over spray the yellow/golden colour will become more evident. Best advice is to spray sparingly from a reasonable distance. Let it settle before spraying another thin coat. There are other edible glaze brands available. However, the same slight discolouration will still persist because of the production method even though instructions may say ‘dries clear’.

Hope this helps.


Thank you, I shall use as little as possible, I probably do over spray!! It does a good job though in getting rid of excess icing sugar or cornflour, just makes me bit nervous!


A very quick steam will also take off excess corn flour. It will also leave a shine on the icing. Some lovely cake steamers on offer at the moment. Look for best deals if they are of interest to you, or use the steam from your kettle. Just be careful not to scald yourself 🙂 I use a flat brush moistened with a little vodka or isopropyl alcohol for small areas.


Not keen on aerosols clear or silver and gold etc.I find it really hard to get an even cover .I would use the steaming method too .If going for silver or gold would always use lustre dust .

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