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asked September 20th 2016

Power Rangers Cake


Does anybody have an idea where I can find a good tutorial for the above cake please? I have searched online but as yet haven’t sourced anything that looks very good.

Many thanks. xx



Does anybody have an idea where I can find a good tutorial for the above cake please? I have searched online but as yet haven’t sourced anything that looks very good.

Many thanks. xx


Hi bellescakes

Are you wanting to make it all from cake or a cake topper? There’s a topper tutorial here:
There are also lots of superman and spiderman tutorials which could easily serve as guides. Please let me know if this helps.


Hi madeitwithlove

Thanks very much for the above information. I looked at the link for the tutorial you sent and the figure looks fantastic. I’m not sure how to go about making the hands though, any tips you can give would be very welcome please.

Thanks again. xx


Hi bellcakes

I’m so pleased the wired figure is of use. Now here’s a hand tutorial for super heros:
You’ll need to keep your’s longer to form the forearm as seen in the wired figure.

Hope it helps. xx


Hi madeitwithlove

Thanks very much for the link you sent me for modelling hands. I have just looked at it and it looks pretty straightforward.



Hi bellscakes.

You’re welcome and happy modelling! xx


Hi again madeitwithlove

Just a quick question regarding the craft wire for the modelling aluminium wire for making the power rangers figure. Have you any idea what thickness of wire would be required please? Also how easy would it be to work with? Additionally would I need any particular tools in order to work with the wire?

Many thanks.



That is craft wire and looks around 3mm thickness. In the tutorial write up she says to stick the wire at the feet straight into the cake. As you already know, we can’t do that so I suggest sticking them in posy picks or straws.


Hi again madeitwithlove

I wonder if you can advise on how to make the shape of a lightning bolt please? I have looked on the net and each time only Lightning McQueen cake tutorial come up.

Many thanks. xx


If you search in google images ‘template for power ranger cake lightening bolt’ there are loads to choose from. Download the image, cut the shape out on a piece of card and use it as the template to make it out of gumpaste.
Here’s one image which might work:
You don’t have to use this one as there are so many others which you may prefer. Not sure whether this will help but I hope it does. xx

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