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Pumpkin cake
Help I have been asked to make a pumpkin cake for an engagement party and incorporate a ring in the centre of the pumpkin so it looks like a ring box. Anybody any ideas how to shape this cake thank you
Help I have been asked to make a pumpkin cake for an engagement party and incorporate a ring in the centre of the pumpkin so it looks like a ring box. Anybody any ideas how to shape this cake thank you
Hi Julix069
I used a bundt tin http://www.ebay.co.uk/bhp/bundt-tin to make a pumpkin shape cake. Once the cake is iced the indents can be accentuated. I also made pumpkin stalk and leaves, borrowed the idea from here http://www.coolest-birthday-cakes.com/pumpkin-cakes.html#c22 I coloured my leaves in shades of brown, burnt orange and chestnut reds and then lustred them. Can’t help with the ring box, but I guess you could make a box from gum paste and pop it on the top of the stalk. This is just one idea, I’m sure other members will offer other.
Aww thank you that’s a great help and a fantastic idea thank you again.
I forgot to say that I made some cascading vines with leaves. I spoiled mine by making too many vines which made the cake look more like an octopus, too bad hahaaa! If you decide to cascade leaves, thin them out a little so they curl and look more natural and more professional than my effort. Good luck with your cake. x