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Raspberry cake
Can anyone help out with a raspberry cake recipe please? I have tried a google search and I’m not filled with confidence in the recipes that have come up. I’m not sure whether to flavour the sponge or just put a layer of raspberry jam in and raspberry buttercream. I’m then covering with white choc ganache.
Thank you.
Can anyone help out with a raspberry cake recipe please? I have tried a google search and I’m not filled with confidence in the recipes that have come up. I’m not sure whether to flavour the sponge or just put a layer of raspberry jam in and raspberry buttercream. I’m then covering with white choc ganache.
Thank you.
Waitrose have freeze dried raspberry pieces. Fold into your uncooked cake mixtures and bake.
Hi lorna
I’d go with raspberry jam and the butter cream although you could use raspberry puree in the batter which can end up a bit soggy. How about using these concentrated powder flavours like this http://www.cakeflix.com/shop/product/6846-red-raspberry-2oz-powdered/ I’m hooked on them ever since I bought some at the show last year. You could also use the LorAnn oils which you can see here http://www.cakeflix.com/shop/product-category/ingredients-mixes-and-colouring/flavouring/ I’ve used fresh fruits and purees in cakes and find their shelf life/keeping properties is very much reduced and they can be prone to molding. I always use a high sugar content jam as the low sugar ones again can and do mold if cakes are not stored in a cool environment.
Thank you both. I’ll have a go with the rasp pieces, maybe crush them up to put in the cake mix.
Thanks miwl will have a look at powdered flavours too. I did buy some LorAnn oils last year at CI Birmingham and wasn’t that struck by them. Appreciate the advice. 🙂