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asked June 7th 2012

Recipe for flower paste.

Hi,Does any body have a recipe for making flower paste using merri whites? The only recipe I can find are using real egg.Thanks


Hi,Does any body have a recipe for making flower paste using merri whites? The only recipe I can find are using real egg.Thanks


Hi Denise, I don’t have a recipe for you but as with Royal icing, merri whites will not be as strong in it’s quality as egg whites. I think flower paste should have a degree of strength, you wouldn’t want to lose all your lovely hard work for the sake of using a substitute. I made the same mistake when making an icing collar for a Christmas cake, all my hard work down the pan and not enough time to make another. Tough learning curve!


I agree with madeitwithlove.  At a demo they explained not to use meri-white in runouts or extension work, something to do with what the water you reconstitute it with contains (if I remember correctly, whatever they said made sense at the time).  I have found a recipe here with meri-white if you still want to try


I know raw egg isn’t recommended these days but people don’t usually consume the flowers.

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