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asked December 30th 2018

Recommendations for an edible ink printer

Hi peeps,

I’ve decided at long last to purchase one of these. I’d like to colour wafer paper, for example, to make flowers etc as well as printing images for my own business. I’ll also advertise an image printing service on Facebook in my local area which should help pay for the ink and stop the jets from clogging.

I’ve not set a fixed budget, I’d rather get one that’s reliable rather than finding the cheapest. I can claim back the VAT so that helps.

Any particularly good experiences you’ve had from recent models and are there any to be avoided? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

(Leigh Smith Cakes)


Hi peeps,

I’ve decided at long last to purchase one of these. I’d like to colour wafer paper, for example, to make flowers etc as well as printing images for my own business. I’ll also advertise an image printing service on Facebook in my local area which should help pay for the ink and stop the jets from clogging.

I’ve not set a fixed budget, I’d rather get one that’s reliable rather than finding the cheapest. I can claim back the VAT so that helps.

Any particularly good experiences you’ve had from recent models and are there any to be avoided? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

(Leigh Smith Cakes)


Hi Leigh

I can’t recommend a printer as I feel making such a purchase is a very personal choice. The best thing to do is to look at as many reviews as you can, go and physically look at them if you have nearby suppliers. Take a peek at the following link which gives good advice:

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Edible Ink Printers for 2018-2019

To see comments from other members on this site scroll down to relevant topics here:

Good luck and Happy New Year! 🙂


Thanks for the advice, Mrs J. Will check out the links.

Have a great 2019.

Leigh x

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