Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked February 27th 2017

recording demonstrations

Can I record video demontrations on my USB for reference later?
As I do not have time to watch because of work


Can I record video demontrations on my USB for reference later?
As I do not have time to watch because of work


Hi Anita

The tutorials are available for viewing 24/7 from this site so you can watch them at your convenience. If I have misunderstood your question please contact [email protected] for a member of the support team to clarify your query.

Best regards.


Just to add to Madeitwithlove’s reply….we can’t allow the videos to be downloaded or saved to usb. Beacuse we run a membership model where members can join for a month or a year at a time it wouldn’t work for us that someone joins for a month then saves the whole library for £9.95 then cancels. Hope you understand 🙂


Hello! I am not a member yet, but would love to buy a membership. Can I access to the classes in the particular membership past the membership period or once the 6 months or a year has past I will NOT have access to them? I am new to cake decorating and would love to learn. Also does the year membership have access to all the classes? The classes are wonderful, the instructions fantastic!! Thank you all and thank you for the FREE WEEKEND


Hi norarapalo

For membership queries please contact [email protected] where a member of the customer service team will be able to address your question. They are very quick and helpful. Just let them know that you are signed up to the free membership, give your site username so they can help you faster.

EDIT: Welcome to the site! 🙂

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