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asked March 27th 2014

Renewing my membership

Hi I’m on the pro course which I purchased last year. As I work full time and am trying to build up my cake business I have not been able to make full use of this fantastic course. Because of this I would like to renew my membership again this year. Is it the same price as I paid before for the year or do existing members get it at a discounted price?


Hi I’m on the pro course which I purchased last year. As I work full time and am trying to build up my cake business I have not been able to make full use of this fantastic course. Because of this I would like to renew my membership again this year. Is it the same price as I paid before for the year or do existing members get it at a discounted price?


Hi Julesmakescakes

For more comprehensive answer dealing with Pro membership queries just fill in this form http://www.cakeflix.com/ask-david or write in to the site using the contact us form http://www.cakeflix.com/contact
Hope this helps.

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