Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked August 24th 2013

Renshaw snip and swirl

Hi, has anyone used this icing before? I need to use some pre made stuff for doing a load of cupcakes. Does it pipe ok?


Hi, has anyone used this icing before? I need to use some pre made stuff for doing a load of cupcakes. Does it pipe ok?


Hi helcakes

Renshaw’s products are pretty good so I imagine it will be fine, that’s what it’s been made for. There’s another range in our site shop http://www.cakeflix.com/shop/product-category/decoration-presentation/frosting/
If you have access to the Renshaws in your local cake decorating store perhaps try a pack before ordering loads.
Renshaw’s have 25% off of all their range at the moment.


Hi, thanks for your reply, I guessed it would be good but wanted to check as I need to buy a few! I’d seen the 25% off and that’s why I’m considering it. Ill check my local store first. Thanks

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