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asked December 3rd 2012


Hi,can anyone tell me how to make renwhite Albumem powder. Just bought some for extension work but there’s no instructions on the packet.thank you.


Hi,can anyone tell me how to make renwhite Albumem powder. Just bought some for extension work but there’s no instructions on the packet.thank you.


Hi Denise

This might help http://www.sweetsuccess.uk.com/pure_albumen.asp. Renshaw’s don’t have any instruction on their site either.


Hi Denise,

I have just made some from the recipe in Eddy Spence’s book
15 grms albumen
3 fl ozs luke warm (previously boiled water
455 grms Icing sugar.

Mix the albumen with the water then add the icing sugar & beat in a mixer on slow speed for 15 Mins

Good Luck.


Thank you so much Bev. I will make this up and let you know how I get on.


Thanks maiditwithlove, just followed the link and printed it off.Someone said to leave it overnight aswell so that makes sense now.thanks both.

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