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asked November 7th 2012

Ribbons on wedding cake

I have to make a tier wedding cake with a ribbon around the bottom and then thinner ones criss crossed above the thicker bottom one, comimg about a quarter to half way up the cake but whats the best way to get them to stick to the sugarpaste without falling down…..any idea’s.


I have to make a tier wedding cake with a ribbon around the bottom and then thinner ones criss crossed above the thicker bottom one, comimg about a quarter to half way up the cake but whats the best way to get them to stick to the sugarpaste without falling down…..any idea’s.


The only thing I can suggest is a small blob of royal icing – it might show through the ribbon initially but should dry out. Try to be sparing with with amount you use. Good luck!


Thaks for that think I will have to practise lots first…..well they say practise makes perfect…..hopefully!! thanks again. x

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