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asked August 17th 2016

roll fondant


I’ve been using tesco fondant to decorate my friends and family cake. but now im looking into starting my cake business i would like to use a better quality fondant.

i notice that you have recommended carmas massa ticino brand…but the price is a bit more compare to others due to its higher quality i suppose.

what other one would you recommend to cut cost as im a new cake decorator?

many thanks


Renshaw always give a good finish and is widely available.


Thank you DottyDelicious for your reply.


Hi Jeremiah

See other comments on different icings here:

Which brand sugarpaste?

Carmas Massa is a little more expensive. However, because it rolls out so much thinner less paste is used. Massa presents very little or no problems like tearing, bubbling or elephant skin. It really is worthwhile paying the extra.
Having said all that, which paste anyone uses is personal preference. Best to try a few to see which you like. Some online suppliers sell sample packs of different pastes which might be a good way to try different brands.

Hope this helps.


I’m also a fan of Massa and use it on all of my cakes. I used to use Couture by Cake Stuff but started to have a few issues with it through several different batches – hard lumps of sugar in the middle of the block and also on unwrapping a new batch found that the edges would be rock solid which meant I ended up wasting quite a bit. I still use their ivory as Massa’s is a very dark ivory. Other than the issues I’ve had it is a very good sugarpaste. If you prefer a firm sugarpaste it’s worth a try. If you prefer a softer sugarpaste Sattina from Cake Craft World is quite nice. I personally don’t use renshaws at all, I find it far too soft and impossible to work with on days where there’s even a hint of moisture in the air!


I haven’t tried it yet but this is getting great reviews:
From what I understand it is rivalling Carmas Massa. Check out Windsor’s fabulous offers, discounts and very resonable postal prices too.

Yvonne, I stopped using Renshaw’s ages ago for same reasons as you. Many other people had problems with it, blaming a possible change in recipe. I don’t know if it still the same now. If you type in the search box ‘Renshaws’
you’ll see the comments.

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