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asked April 9th 2017

Rruit cake

Hi, When covering a fruit cake for a wedding tiered cake, can royal icing be used to cover instead of marzipan and then 2 layers of sugar paste? thanks


Hi, When covering a fruit cake for a wedding tiered cake, can royal icing be used to cover instead of marzipan and then 2 layers of sugar paste? thanks


This is lovely , thanks so much for the detailed answer xx


If you don’t want to use marzipan, the cake can be double iced with sugarpaste instead. First plug any largish holes all over the cake with little balls of sugarpaste. Smooth them all down flush against the cake. With a pastry brush, make tacky the whole cake with some warm apricot glaze. Don’t overdo the glaze, it’s just brushing it on enough to make tack for the icing to adhere evenly. Ice the cake with slightly thinner layer of sugarpaste and let it completely dry for a couple or three nights. This will help seal in moisture from the cake and prevent any bleeding of sap from the fruit. Once the thin layer is completely dry and smooth, rub some trex all over the cake to help the next layer of icing to adhere. Ice it again with thicker sugarpaste to finish. Smooth all round and sharpen the edges until you feel happy with how it looks.


You’re most welcome, please jump in if you need more information.

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