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Saving online tutorials
Will there ever be a saved/favourites option added for online tutorials? I did see an earlier response saying you can bookmark the page on your device but I have loads of bookmarks and would love for them all to be saved on here…quick and easy to locate!
Lou x
Will there ever be a saved/favourites option added for online tutorials? I did see an earlier response saying you can bookmark the page on your device but I have loads of bookmarks and would love for them all to be saved on here…quick and easy to locate!
Lou x
Hi Lou
Pop your question to [email protected] for one of the admin team to address your idea ….. which by the way is a brilliant one! Good luck 🙂
Where abouts on the website is that? I put it into the Google search and it just directed me to the homepage x
Hi Lou
The contact form can be found in the support tab at the head of this page or use this link:
🙂 x