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Saving the tutorials
It’s a free weekend and there are a few tutorials I’d like to “purchase” and watch at my leisure but I can’t seem to save them and it says on my account I haven’t purchased anything. Help please!!!!!!
It’s a free weekend and there are a few tutorials I’d like to “purchase” and watch at my leisure but I can’t seem to save them and it says on my account I haven’t purchased anything. Help please!!!!!!
Hi Fabhelen50
This weekend is for free viewing not “free purchase”. To purchase indvidiual tutorial please look here:
Log in to the site with your username and password to make your purchase and payment. Once you’ve paid for your tutorial you can view it 24/7 for life time. Purchased tutorials are accessed via the ‘My account’ tab at the top of this page.
You can also sign up on easy monthly or annual subscription and cancel anytime you want. Hope this helps. Enjoy 🙂