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asked September 21st 2016

Scottish thistle tutorial

Hello David/Paul
Is there a more detailed tutorial on how to make your lovely thistle? It is just showing the overview version. I’m only a novice so maybe I’m a bit slow!!


Hello David/Paul
Is there a more detailed tutorial on how to make your lovely thistle? It is just showing the overview version. I’m only a novice so maybe I’m a bit slow!!


Im having a problem with the burger and chips tutorial too, its also just playing overview


HI Ail

There does appear to be a glitch with this tutorial, I’ve also tried it and it only plays the overview. Drop an email to [email protected] and the customer service team will sort out the problem in the morning, Hope this helps.


Hi Sharon54

Same here, please could you also drop an email to [email protected] with your query. Thank you. Hope you’re both up and viewing soon. x


I am also finding that a lot of the tutorials are not playing past the Overview, e.g 11 Pipers Christmas Cake. I have emailed for assistance.


Apologies for the video not playing at the moment.

We upgraded the videos to auto-play today and it seems that some videos are unable to play or move to the next lesson. We are working with our IT support to resolve the matter and will get things back up and running within 24hrs, probably a lot sooner.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Thank you David and Maditwithlove, in the meantime can anyone remember what paul used to texture the burger?


Hi Sharon

I think he used the pointed end of the PME dresden tool. Hope this helps.


Thank you Madeitwithlove and David for getting back to me so quickly, looking forward to seeing the resolved tutorial.
Sorry Sharon… Can’t help with that one.

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