Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked September 6th 2016

Sculpting knife

Hi folks
I haven’t been on here for months so much so let my Pro membership lapse too. So…. let thi be the start of finding time each week to gather hints and tips from all of you creative bakers.
Does anyone know what knife Paul uses as it seems to glide through sponge so easy? think it would be a sound investment.

cadburymoon x


Hi cadburymoon

Is it the serrated knife? I don’t know which one Paul uses but it looks similar to the brand I use. Mine is a Gustav knife, expensive …. but it’s genius for slicing through cake and bread. I have two sizes of the serrated a selection of kitchen knives. Well worth the cost. Here is a link for suppliers:

If it’s the small knives that you mean with the orange handles, they are florists knives and can be bought online or at florist suppliers.
Hope this helps.

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