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Shelf life of Paul’s buttercream recipe
Hi, I made Paul’s buttercream recipe that he uses for the teddy! What is the shelf life of this if kept refrigerated? Thanks x
Hi, I made Paul’s buttercream recipe that he uses for the teddy! What is the shelf life of this if kept refrigerated? Thanks x
Hi MazW
There are lots of answers on storing butter cream here:
Same instructions apply for the teddy buttercream. Hope the ansers help.
The link just took me back to my own question! I wasn’t able to answer lol X
Hi MazW
Yes it will do, your’s will show as the first question and everything underneath your question are past questions onshelf life. of buttercream or related topics. Hope this makes sense.
The links are not working, can someone help pls
Hi damilola81
The links have to be highlighted. to red. Go to the line which reads http. Place your pointer against the h and left click on it. Keep it held down and drag with your other hand so the link goes red. When you get to the end of the line let go. The link will remain red. To open it right click slightly off at the end of the line. Select open link from the drop down menu. This will take you to several answers, select the ones which are most appropriate to your query.
Please let me know if you have managed to open the link. Only the link must go red, nothing before it or after it.