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Shoe cake topper
Hi everyone. I have made Pauls Jimmy Choo cake topper and it looked great. I used Renshaw Flower paste and added some gum trag to strengthen and it’s been on a polystyrene mold to dry for about 20 hours. This morning I took some photos – off the mold – then it collapsed across the front and heel. The middle section just broke. What, please is the strongest flower paste so I can do another one? Is Squires flower paste stronger or is there a ‘magic’ one??? Thank you in advance. Lyn
Hi Lyn
It’s always best to make shoes well in advance. There’s a lot of paste in a shoe which needs to dry through completely to make it strong. There are certain weak spots like where the heel is and under the arch. I usually allow a week from making to drying because changes in the weather can affect drying time. The heel takes forever! I find the best paste for bigger pieces and for very fine flowers is Squire’s Kitchen flower paste. It’s stronger, dries quicker, more economical in the long run and it doesn’t need any thing added to it.
Hi madeitwithlove
As usual you have helped me out. Thank you so much. I will try Squires – I thought that may have been the answer. At least I got some photos before it crashed!! Thanks again. Lyn.
Just another question! SK Pasillage Powder – is that worth a try?
Pastillage would work, it’s a great medium but you have work quickly. Perhaps use it for the sole and heel as it dries so fast. …. and it’s very strong too! I think it’s worth a try, just follow the make up instructions carefully.