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Shoe Kit
Hello cakes lovers I am looking to buy a stiletto shoe making kit and was wondering if anyone can recommend one for me. I have seen a few on eBay but not sure how good they are. Many thanks in advance.
Hello cakes lovers I am looking to buy a stiletto shoe making kit and was wondering if anyone can recommend one for me. I have seen a few on eBay but not sure how good they are. Many thanks in advance.
Hi NikNak42
Paul made the steampunk shoe using the kit from this tutorial:
All the website details are in the tools tab. Have look also at other shoe tutorials in the bags and shoes section to get other ideas. Best to have a good shop around, you might find you only need a heel mould …. see Paul’s sandal tutorial for former idea. Hope this helps x
Thank you very much madeitwithlove I totally forgot about that tutorial. Will have a look again. You are star as always.
I have the Cake Structure one available to buy from Cake Stuff and it’s fab. My templates are cardboard but I believe they’ve now been changed to some sort of plastic/acetate. There’s another one available at the Cake Decorating Company which is by Lisa Manson NY I think – similar price and virtually identical so I assume it would work in the same way.
Yvonne x
Thank you Yvonne, I will have a look.