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asked August 26th 2016

Shoe Kit

Hello cakes lovers I am looking to buy a stiletto shoe making kit and was wondering if anyone can recommend one for me. I have seen a few on eBay but not sure how good they are. Many thanks in advance.


Hello cakes lovers I am looking to buy a stiletto shoe making kit and was wondering if anyone can recommend one for me. I have seen a few on eBay but not sure how good they are. Many thanks in advance.


Hi NikNak42

Paul made the steampunk shoe using the kit from this tutorial:

Handbag and Shoe

All the website details are in the tools tab. Have look also at other shoe tutorials in the bags and shoes section to get other ideas. Best to have a good shop around, you might find you only need a heel mould …. see Paul’s sandal tutorial for former idea. Hope this helps x


Thank you very much madeitwithlove I totally forgot about that tutorial. Will have a look again. You are star as always.


I have the Cake Structure one available to buy from Cake Stuff and it’s fab. My templates are cardboard but I believe they’ve now been changed to some sort of plastic/acetate. There’s another one available at the Cake Decorating Company which is by Lisa Manson NY I think – similar price and virtually identical so I assume it would work in the same way.

Yvonne x


Thank you Yvonne, I will have a look.

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