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asked July 17th 2016

Sitting figures on cake

I have to do a cake where the bride wants them sat on the top tier.
I need to make the figures in advance and wondered how people did this?
As don’t want figures sliding off cake?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you


I have to do a cake where the bride wants them sat on the top tier.
I need to make the figures in advance and wondered how people did this?
As don’t want figures sliding off cake?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you


Hi tina1990

Some people make their models on a dummy cake first ( same size and depth as the real cake) secured with a wooden skewer in the sitting position. Once the models are dry they can be placed on the cake. The skewer will act as an anchore to keep them in place. A little royal icing under each model will also help to keep them from moving. Personally, with sitting down figures I like to build them straight on the real cake secured with a wooden skewer going through the body. This gives a better perpective on how far back the models should sit and the overall proportions of their bodies in relation to the cake. I’m not very good at making figures so I keep them very simple and this method works well. Take a peek how Paul makes a sitting groom in following tutorial, the same method can be used for the bride too:

Bride and Groom Rose Wedding

Alternatively you could make your figures with wire armatures ( including sitting models) as in Emma Ball’s tutorials here:

Fourth Anniversary

Hope you get some ideas from these tutorials.


Thank you so much for the video links. They are a great help. However, I tried with a wooden skewer in a polystyrene dummy and found it hard to then take figures off as wooden stick was stuck in the polystyrene.
Think I am going to have to practice some more. But thanks as always for your help. You are always so helpful.??


To get the figure off, use some sturdy tweezers to ease the stick out of the styrofoam. It will be a bit difficult at first because the figure will be preventing you to get underneath it. However if you gently lift it just enough to give some space to grasp the stick you’ll be away! Keep practising … excellent idea !!! 🙂 🙂

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