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asked October 3rd 2014

Sports Huddle Cake – how tall?

Hi – I have just started making the huddle cake (first time and most adventurous cake design I’ve ever done!), but have realised I don’t know how tall the cake should be at it’s highest point. I have watched all the tutorials and only recall the size of the cake (8inch) being mentioned.

Urgent help would be appreciated!


Hi – I have just started making the huddle cake (first time and most adventurous cake design I’ve ever done!), but have realised I don’t know how tall the cake should be at it’s highest point. I have watched all the tutorials and only recall the size of the cake (8inch) being mentioned.

Urgent help would be appreciated!


Hello Kadian1

Paul has used 2 x 8″ round cakes which look approxomately 3″ tall. That would bring the height to 6″ without the filling. I should think after carving and filling the highest point will finishes in excess of 8″ once it is iced.


thank you!!


p.s. end result was fantastic! What a great tutorial – I would have had no chance without it!!! THANK YOU


Yep, Paul’s the best! He knows how to bring the best out in everyone. How tall did your cake end up? I know other members will be interested. Great job! x

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