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asked August 22nd 2015

Stacking a multi tier cake

Hi Paul

I have a 4 tier novelty cake to make and first to tires then a glass bowl with a fish figure in it then 2 more tiers ontop of the glass bowl. Question how would you suggest supporting the top two tiers on the bowl. The theme is Bubble Guppies
Trish J


Hi Paul

I have a 4 tier novelty cake to make and first to tires then a glass bowl with a fish figure in it then 2 more tiers ontop of the glass bowl. Question how would you suggest supporting the top two tiers on the bowl. The theme is Bubble Guppies
Trish J


Hi Trish

Paul rarely has a chance to look at the Q & A section so I hope you don’t mind me trying an answer for your question. I haven’t made this type of cake but here goes what I would do:

The bottom tiers would be dowelled and stacked in the normal way. The glass bowl, stuck down on it’s own cake drum would be stacked and stuck down onto the penultimate tier which must also be dowelled to support the bowl. The next two tiers should also be dowelled and stacked. However the cake drum which will be supporting the second tier ought to be slightly bigger than the opening of the glass bowl to help spread the weight of the top tiers more evenly.
The drum can either be stuck down onto the bowl with hot gluegun or the top two tiers could be stacked on to the bowl at the venue. To avoid accidents, keep the cake well away from people milling around.
As long as all the tiers are properly dowelled and supported and the bowl is strong, your structure should be stable.
Have a peek here, there’s more discussion for similar cake:

Hopefully other members will have more ideas. If I find more ideas or discussions I’ll post again.

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