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asked November 26th 2012

Stacking with straws


It looks like i’m going to have to use the straw method for stacking my cakes to make a chalet as I can’t get hold of any dowels in time – I live in France and would have to order off the internet!!
Can anyone give me advice on this techniwue? I have atleast a 3 layer 10″ cake (each layer approx 3″) and each layer is the same size as I am stacking to mak the height of the chalet with a roof.
I must admit that I am stressing a bit because I have never stacked several cakes on top of each other and I don’t have the the dowels.
Any hints and reassurance would be great.





It looks like i’m going to have to use the straw method for stacking my cakes to make a chalet as I can’t get hold of any dowels in time – I live in France and would have to order off the internet!!
Can anyone give me advice on this techniwue? I have atleast a 3 layer 10″ cake (each layer approx 3″) and each layer is the same size as I am stacking to mak the height of the chalet with a roof.
I must admit that I am stressing a bit because I have never stacked several cakes on top of each other and I don’t have the the dowels.
Any hints and reassurance would be great.




Hi Kate

Here is a link with instructions on how to use straws for stacking cakes http://gemcitytiffany.wordpress.com/2011/06/28/tutorial-tuesday-how-to-stac/. The tutorial is quite precise, however, I would advise you to use plenty of straws in each layer. I’ve been reading through comments on some internet sites and they advice using either milk shake or bar straws which are stronger. In your earlier post I advised that the straws must be completely straight so not to have any weak points in the straws. Put the straws in like you would the dowels by following the instructions in the link I’ve given. Each layer of cake must be on it’s own board and, since you are using rectangular shapes it may be safer to add a row of straws in the middle as well as the sides to support each layer. I’m sorry you are stressing, take a deep breath and calm yourself, you will be able to think better and be in more control. G’d luck.


thaks, I made the cake, fingers crossed, it seems okay, they will be cutting it tonight.

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