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asked July 24th 2014


hi! i have a house to do and it have a outdoor staircase with no facing( flashing), to go to the second floor…i have a idea but would like to have more suggestions on how to do this….
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps. i searched everywhere and all the tutos are for full staircase


hi! i have a house to do and it have a outdoor staircase with no facing( flashing), to go to the second floor…i have a idea but would like to have more suggestions on how to do this….
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps. i searched everywhere and all the tutos are for full staircase


Perhaps this will help http://cakecentral.com/t/400083/how-the-heck-do-i-make-stairs
Scroll all the way down to see the tutorial. If it doesn’t help google ‘how to make fondant stairs’


i saw this but didn”t help,,,, because the staircase have no facing…..and i google it also but didn’t find anything on that kind of staircase


Try searching in pinterest for stairs made with mediums other than fondant or cake. Some more images here http://www.pinterest.com/bachrist004/dh-tutorial-bldg-techniques-finishes-interior-exte/
I’m not 100% sure the type of stairs you mean.


Sorry i don’t know how it’s call in english but here’s the kind i need to do http://www.homedecorsupdate.com/spiral-staircases-spiral-stairs-spiral-staircases-spiral-stairs-outdoor-spiral-staircase-kits.html

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