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asked October 30th 2017

Staking cakes

Could a put dummy cakes on top off Paul’s chocolate cake to make a four tier cake ?


Could a put dummy cakes on top off Paul’s chocolate cake to make a four tier cake ?


Hi lilisear

Yes it can be done but you must dowel the cake and all of the dummies above, Dummies don’t weigh very much on their own but once iced and decorated they weigh significantly enough to crush a cake sitting below. Please come back if you need any more information.


I am making a 3 tier wedding cake, sponge cakes filled and crumb coated with buttercream covered with sugar paste. The cake sizes are 10″, 8″ and 6″. I am putting a floating tier with a 6″ x 2″ cake dummy round separator between the 10″ and 8″ cakes then the 6″ cake directly on top of the 8″ cake. I shall put the separator and the 8″ and 6″ cake on a thin cake board. My query is I shall put dowels in the 10″ cake but do the dowels need to go through the separator also? I shall put dowels also in the 8″ cake to hold the 6″ cake above.

Many thanks for reply.


Hi Ang54

The separators don’t have to be dowelled but each cake which they will be sitting on must be dowelled for weight bearing the cake above. The 10″ cake must be dowelled to take the weight of the 8″ cake, then the 8″ cake dowelled to take the weight of the 6″.
I always card each separtator, underside and top, so the polystyrene does not touch the cake above or below. If you want to use a centre pole, each card must be drilled with a hole to aligne perfectly in the centre. When using this method the dummy separators must also be drilled out .

Hope this helps, post back if you need more information 🙂

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