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asked February 1st 2014

Stone wall

Hi has anyone got any tips on how I could make a stone wall in fondant. The wall is like the one that was in the background of Paul’s house in Scotland. I want to make the wall that was in Lindy Smiths book on Hobby Cakes. Unfortunately the book is out of print and Amazon are selling a copy for 62 pounds which is far too expensive. I need HELP


Hi has anyone got any tips on how I could make a stone wall in fondant. The wall is like the one that was in the background of Paul’s house in Scotland. I want to make the wall that was in Lindy Smiths book on Hobby Cakes. Unfortunately the book is out of print and Amazon are selling a copy for 62 pounds which is far too expensive. I need HELP


Cakecentral.com “beautiful fish pond”


There are plenty of stone wall moulds on eBay.I have a huge plastic one from carolines cake art in Australia.they design their own


Thank you so much, I will definitely have a look at that site


I had a look, nice site but I want to build the wall with fondant stones rather than using a mat. What I wanted to know was how to make fondant stones but thanks


Hi I have made stones out of blending white /ivory icing with either black, grey or dark brown icing. Don’t mix too much as it will be boring. If you mix until you see a pattern you like for example a marbled look or lines through the icing then take a pinky finger nail sized piece and roll between fingers or in your palms gently to a rough shape. Make various sizes and shapes and flatten some slightly but keeping round and rough edges. Start making wall by laying a double line of stones, sticking down with water onto cake, then on each line lay another stone in the middle of the other ones to cover gap, then keep layering until you get to end of wall. Then next and every second row do a few really flat slates across both lines to join together to make it more solid until you have height you need. Make sure that they all get a brush of water to stick to others. I used a foam pad to keep the wall up while setting over night. I hope you understood what I meant and good luck!!


Perhaps also try your local lending library for the Lindy Smith book. You might get lucky there, or they may be able to get it down from another library. Libraries make a small charge for the service, waiting time for requests is dependent on demand. Hope this helps.

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