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asked December 14th 2016

Storing marzipan

Hi I have marzipan left over from my Christmas cake and would like to use it to try a simmnel cake at Easter .Can it be frozen ?


Hi I have marzipan left over from my Christmas cake and would like to use it to try a simmnel cake at Easter .Can it be frozen ?


Hello Woodysmum

Have a look at the best by date on the packaging. Normally shop bought marzipan has a reasonably long shelf life and doesn’t need freezing. Wrap it up well in clingfilm and a freezer bag, store it in a cool pantry or cupboard. Equally you can freeze it as long as it is wrapped up very well. Defrost it in the wrappping and knead it until pliable. Sometimes it crumbles, in which case knead in a tiny bit of simple syrup or warm it up very lightly in the microwave to release its oils.


Thank you .

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