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asked March 13th 2014

Sugar sheets

Hi, I bought some culpitt sugar sheets, a few months ago, and forgot about them. Checked them yesterday, and they’re very hard, and if I try to bend them, they would crack, so just wondered if there’s a trick to getting them pliable again?
I’ve put a small damp piece of kitchen roll in the bag with the sheets, to see if this will add moisture, but do any of you have a better tried and trusted remedy?
Thank you
Sharon x


Hi, I bought some culpitt sugar sheets, a few months ago, and forgot about them. Checked them yesterday, and they’re very hard, and if I try to bend them, they would crack, so just wondered if there’s a trick to getting them pliable again?
I’ve put a small damp piece of kitchen roll in the bag with the sheets, to see if this will add moisture, but do any of you have a better tried and trusted remedy?
Thank you
Sharon x


Hi sharon54

I expect you’ve managed to solve your problem with the damp kitchen tissue. If you haven’t there’s some information here which might help http://www.wilton.com/store/site/department.cfm?id=2B927A43-1E0B-C910-EAD1C72E2B957CEC


Thanks MIWL, I’ve not checked the sugar sheets yet, but thank you for the link to the info, will try what they suggest, if they’re still dried out. X


Hi Sharon, I had the same problem a while back. I used the damp sheet method and it did work. However, I left mine in too long and that became a bit of a problem as well because they were too damp. They took ages to dry out enough for me to remove them from the backing sheet. So, yes it does work but just be careful how long you leave the damp sheet in the bag.


Thanks Susan, will check them today, and store differently in future.

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