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asked September 26th 2014

Sugarpaste/fondant panels stretch and buckle

Hello – I have a problem with fondant panels: when applied they tend to stretch or slide down and buckle at the bottom. How can I prevent that for a cleaner and neater finish? I’m in the USA and use Satin Ice Rolled Fondant.


Hello – I have a problem with fondant panels: when applied they tend to stretch or slide down and buckle at the bottom. How can I prevent that for a cleaner and neater finish? I’m in the USA and use Satin Ice Rolled Fondant.


Hello wellwishes

The paste can be strengthened by adding half a teaspoon of tylose powder to 250g ( just a little over a pound in weight) of satin ice. Let the paste rest for about an hour or overnight if you can, for the tylose to activate properly. Tylose, unlike gum tragacanth, activates quickly, however if your paste feels very wet it may be beneficial to allow an overnight rest at room temperature placed in a ziplock bag. When you roll it out again it should keep shape. It will also help if you allow the panels to rest for two or three minutes before attempting to stick them up.. This just dries out some of the immediate moisture and makes handling a little more manageable.
I had exactly the same problem a couple of weeks ago with white satin ice. I never have any problems with the ivory.


It could also be that the buttercream or ganache is not sticky enough. When covering a cake with panels I wet one side at a time otherwise I find the last ones have dried again by the time I get to them!

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