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asked August 12th 2014

suggestions for making a figure topper

Hi, I tried to look around but I wasn’t sure what keywords to use. So here’s my question:
I was asked to make a cake with a hello kitty topper (since there wasnt time for 3d).
My goal is a topper that has a dimension of approx 4″ x 3″.
Should I make it with all gumpaste? it seems a little small to incorporate rkt in.
I don’t think modelling chocolate will survive in the weather here as well.
Also, would i need to wire the framework or just build it like with toothpicks and gumglue? 😮
help? any other suggestions are really welcome.
Thanks 🙂


Hi, I tried to look around but I wasn’t sure what keywords to use. So here’s my question:
I was asked to make a cake with a hello kitty topper (since there wasnt time for 3d).
My goal is a topper that has a dimension of approx 4″ x 3″.
Should I make it with all gumpaste? it seems a little small to incorporate rkt in.
I don’t think modelling chocolate will survive in the weather here as well.
Also, would i need to wire the framework or just build it like with toothpicks and gumglue? 😮
help? any other suggestions are really welcome.
Thanks 🙂


Hello SarahNavarro

There are lots of tutorials in youtube for making hello kitty cake topper. You can either search in google or youtube by using key words like this ‘Hello kitty fondant cake topper tutorial’. Lots of tutorials will come up and you can choose the one you like best.


Oh i already have the design. Just asking for suggestions on what to make it with? 😮 Like is It alright to use with just 100% gumpaste? for a big topper?


So sorry for the misunderstanding. By gumpaste do you mean 100% flower paste? In the UK gumpaste is half fondant and half flower paste or fondant with added tylose. The two mediums are kneaded together and used for making models.
I would use dowels or skewers to make a more stable model. If your weather is hot and humid it may be better to use 100% gumpaste (flower paste) since your model is quite big.


Oh sorry, yes I meant flower paste. I guess i feel like it’s gonna be quite a lot of flower paste, that’s all 🙂 Thanks so much.


Hi, hope you don’t mind my asking again. So I did a little bit of fondant with a lot of flowerpaste but as it dried, it started showing cracks. What can I do or did do wrong? 🙁


You didn’t do anything wrong. It just means you don’t need as much flowerpaste. If it’s still soft add more fondant to it until it is pliable but strong. Normally if the weather is very hot and humid more flowerpaste is required to strengthen the fondant so that figures can harden and set. Rub some shortening into the cracks it may help smooth them out. If it doesn’t and the paste is still soft enough to knead, add some more fondant and some shortening and re knead it. Your paste should be strong enough to hold shape without falling or buckling over but not so strong that it cracks.

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